1. This example enables all the controls.
  2. This example disables the time view.
  3. This example disables the time and duration view.
  4. This example disables all the controls.
  5. This example has no audio source.



Attribute Properties Description
autoplay boolean Specifies whether or not to start playing the audio as soon as the audio has loaded. This attribute is a boolean attribute. Therefore, the mere presence of this attribute equates to a true value.
data-controls-duration string - Default: true Specifies if the audio duration should be visiable. Set to true or false.
data-controls-time string - Default: true Specifies if the current audio time should be visiable. Set to true or false.
data-controls-volume string - Default: true Specifies if the volume controls should be visiable. Set to true or false.
data-fallback string - Default: audio-player.swf Specifies the URL of the Flash (SWF) file that will handle the fallback for older browsers. If the SWF file is not in the same folder as your html page. You can change the URL path with this attribute.
data-volume number - Default: 100 Specifies the volume of the audio. The volume ranges from 0 (silent) to 100 (full volume). Setting this attribute will override the volume that was saved.
height number - Default: 29 Specify the height of the audio player. The value is set in pixels (px).
loop boolean Specifies that the audio should start over again, when it is finished. This attribute is a boolean attribute. Therefore, the mere presence of this attribute equates to a true value.
preload string - Default: auto Specifies whether the audio should be preloaded or not, and if so, how it should be preloaded. Set to auto , metadata or none. I strongly recommended that you always set this attribute to none, for optimal page loading speed.
width number - Default: 300 Specify the width of the audio player. The value is set in pixels (px).